Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Introduction to my Blog

Task 1 Research Brief
My topic is “ Punctuation: why it exists and why it will continue to exist and change”
Punctuation is a bit of a hobbyhorse for a lot of people, mostly considered nerds & geeks, but let’s look at what a sentence would look like without it.
The following was either written by or dictated by Ned Kelly
I write you these lines hopingto find you and Mis Nickilsonin good health as I am myself at present I have arrived safe and I would like you would see what you and Mstr Nickelson could do for me I have done all circumstances would alow me which you now try what you con do answer this letter as soon as posabel
direct your letter to Daniel Kelly gretta post office
that is my name no more at presant
Edward Kelly
Ignoring the incorrect spelling, the letter is hard to read without commas, full stops, etc.
When did punctuation come into being?
Is a question mark really just a bent exclamation mark?
Quotation marks, are they nessesary?
Capital letters at the beginning of every sentence. Why?
And what of the future? What will happen to punctuation now that we are all using abbreviations on our mobile phones and ipads. Will we be LMAO because puncuation is redundant? Will wwe all revert to American spelling and punctuation now that spellchecker is here?